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Got Brass?

We Buy Brass From Ranges and those with unwanted brass!

Ranges: If you’re a civilian or law enforcement range, we buy brass. Looking to get the most of your biggest bi-product of qualifying or training? Contact us immediately! We currently work with over 25 law enforcement and civilian ranges. We will give references upon request. We supply any barrels or drums needed for the extent of the contract. We can also arrange for freight shipping for ranges that are outside of driving distance! For range facilities we have 2 different pricing models.

1. Simple/easy- We will pay the average scrap price for brass shells with no long term commitment. 

2. Premier- Most popular choice, we will get you the best price possible! This includes supplying drums and buckets for your brass collection needs. Contact for more information. 

Phone : (540) 525-3104 Email: [email protected]

Private Sellers:

 Have you collected a bunch of brass, that’s now collecting dust in the garage? We buy brass for cash or store credit for any unwanted casings. All brass must have the original primers and primer crimps. Have you seen our brass processing page?


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